2014, Jan. 27 – Febr. 5, Włodzimierz Staniewski and Joanna Holcgreber reconnaisance aiming to find locations for the planned screenieng IPHIGENIA IN PERSIA (Iran)
January, Włodzimierz Staniewski’s reconnaisance in India, tracing Wanda Dynowska, finding a thumb of her and initiating a cultural project honouring her activity in India
April 22-27 Włodzimierz Staniewski and Jacek Petrycki reconnaisance aiming to find locations for the planned screenieng of Iphigenia in T… performance (Georgia)
2008, July 7 -14, Delphi, expedition to the Corycean Cave, screening of IPHIGENIA IN A… participants: actors, trainees form Delphi Festival of Ancient Drama, filming crew with Wojciech Staroń, prof. David Wales, Yana Sistovari, Alexia Kokkali, Krzysztof Globisz. (Greece)
2006, 2007, Włodzimierz Staniewski’s reconnaisances to the Corycean Cave, Parnassos slopes and Delphi region, preparing the “Port Greece” project.
Autumn – winter, Gardzienice
The work on the new performance continues.
November, Kłodzko
Participation in the 6th International Collision of Theatres: two presentations of CARMINA BURANA, presentation of the work techniques (including the musical material for METAMORPHOSES).
November, Ireland
Work-sessions – the continuation of the Irish project – run by Włodzimierz Staniewski, accompanied by M. Gołaj, M. Mrowca, M. Sadowska, E. Rojek, K. Forsmo and M. Rychły.
The first concert rehearsal for METAMORPHOSES.
November, Federal Republic of Germany (Landsberg)
Two presentations of the Diptych.
September, Egypt (Cairo)
Participation in the International Festival of Experimental Theatre: three presentations of CARMINA BURANA. The award of critics and audience for Theatre “Gardzienice”. Gatherings arranged by Theatre “Gardzienice” in the traditional enclaves.
July, Sweden (Lulea)
Participation in the Nordanlandens Teaterfestdagar – three presentations of CARMINA BURANA.
March, Warsaw
During a meeting at the University of Warsaw W. Staniewski introduces Howard Brenton. The session is devoted to the work on Apuleius. A musical Gathering is organised.
December, Gardzienice
Irish Nights: a series of Gatherings, concerts, workshop activities. Musicians from Ireland, the course participants and the villagers take part.
November, Katowice
The 4th Upper Silesia Festival of Chamber Music: presentation of CARMINA BURANA and a demonstration of the actor’s work techniques. The opening of Mira Żelechower-Aleksiuns exhibition (at the Centre of the Polish Scenography) entitled My — Our “Gardzienice”: on the Centre of Theatrical Practices.
October, Wrocław
Włodzimierz Staniewski gives a lecture at the University of Wrocław and conducts a workshop programme. Songs for the future performance are presented.
October, Federal Republic of Germany (Berlin)
Grenzenlos [Meetings with the Polish Culture]: presentation of CARMINA BURANA.
August, United States (Boulder, Co., New York)
- Staniewski, accompanied by M. Gołaj, D. Porowska, M. Mrowca and M. Sadowska, conducts theatrical workshops at The Naropa Institute, School of Continuing Education.
August – September, Gardzienice
Presentations of CARMINA BURANA.
January, United Kingdom (Stratford)
A work-Session for a group of actors of the Royal Shakespeare Company: the work on the theatrisation of Apuleius METAMORPHOSES. W. Staniewski and Howard Brenton work together on the dramatisation of the future performance.
October, France (Paris)
- Staniewski, M. Sadowska, T. Rodowicz and C. Corrighan, take part in a meeting De la Parole aux Chants organised by Academie Expérimentale Des Theatres: a lecture and a demonstration of the actor’s work.
October, Gardzienice
The crowning of the all-year cycle of courses for instructors: an Artistic Gathering, organised by the course participants under W. Staniewski’s supervision. Among those taking part are singers from Suchumi (a Black Sea port in Georgia), Gypsies from Slovakia, women from the Pottava river region (the Ukraine), the ensemble of the Kurbas Theatre in Lvov.
July – September, Gardzienice
Another workshop for Theatre Instructors and Culture Animators. Work on the new performance continues.
June – August, Cracow
An exhibition A Labyrinth Called Theatre (BWA – Bureau of Artistic Exhibitions) includes elements of the AVVAKUM scenography. Małgorzata Dziewulska hosts the meeting with Włodzimierz Staniewski at the Old Theatre.
May, Brazil (Sao Paulo)
Participation in the 4th International Theatre Festival: presentation of CARMINA BURANA. W. Staniewski and several actors take part in the Capueiros performance and the Condomble ritual.
May, Warsaw
Studio Gallery presents Theatrical Practices of Włodzimierz Staniewski’s “Gardzienice” (AVVAKUM scenography, theatrical accessories, photogrammes from the Expeditions and performances). During the opening M. Gołaj and C. Corrighan demonstrate actor’s techniques.
During the Gathering with the Hojra band, the television adaptations of THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM and CARMINA BURANAa as well as Jacek Petrycki’s film For a New Natural Environment of Theatre are presented.
May, Warsaw
A session organised by the Warsaw University Department of Polish Culture, covering the “Gardzienice” Theatre expedition to the Ukraine. W. Staniewski gives a lecture; films and actor’s techniques are presented.
April, Wrocław
and the course participants take part in the session Theatre, Space, Body, Place organised by the Wrocław Friends of “Gardzienice” Society: demonstration of actor’s work techniques by Mariusz Gołaj and Catherine Corrighan; a preview of the film adaptation of Avvakum.
February, Gardzienice
Continuation of the course for Theatre Instructors.
First shots for a television adaptation of THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM and CARMINA BURANA.
7-10 October
The symposium Hidden Territories crowning the Expedition to the Ukraine. All over the place, indoors – in the Outhouse, The Avvakum Hall, the mill and village cottages – and outdoors in the village of “Gardzienice” concerts, demonstrations, theatrical sketches, performances and presentations of the Expedition documentation are held. The Expedition participants, foreign guests, the “Gardzienice” course participants, music bands and many theatre ensembles take part.
September – October, The Ukraine
The International Artistic and Research Expedition Hidden Territories
The participants, divided into two groups, go on a trip to the region around Odessa, the Dniester river area, the Southern Polesie (an area in the Bug, Desna, Dnieper and Prypeć river basins), and the East Carpathians (the neighbourhood of Verchovina] as well as the Crimea, Zaporoże, the Eastern Ukraine, the Northern Polesie (an area in the Bug, Desna, Dnieper and Prypeć river basins), and the Huculsland (an area inhabited by the Hucul highlanders) in the Carpathians.
At the end of the Expedition there are about sixty people taking part, including: the “Gardzienice” ensemble, the “Gardzienice” course participants, two theatre ensembles (from London and Los Angeles) and theatre researchers, directors, actors from the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark, Ireland, the Ukraine and Poland. In the Huculsland, the Expedition ends with a great Gathering. Later, in Lvov, the Kurbas Theatre hosts performances given by the ensembles participating in the Expedition, meetings and concerts of traditional musicians. Also in Lvov, “Gardzienice” Theatre present THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM and CARMINA BURANA in the Dominican Church.
August – September, Gardzienice
Work-sessions and training to prepare the ensemble for the Expedition to the Ukraine.
July – August, Japan (Toga, Mito)
Participation in the Toga Festival 93: presentation of the Diptych. In Mito the ensemble presents THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM and CARMINA BURANA
- Sadowska and P. Allain’s reconnaissance to the Ukraine.
June, Gardzienice
Workshops to prepare the implementation of the project Hidden Territories (the Expedition to the Ukraine).
May, Toruń
The International Theatre Festival Contact 93: presentation of the Diptych.
May, Wrocław
The 30th Festival of Polish Contemporary Plays – presentation of the Diptych.
April, Gardzienice
A workshop run by the “Gardzienice” actors and Cecily Berry from the Royal Shakespeare Company in Stratford for the “Gardzienice” course participants. Presentation of the Diptych.
Staniewski and J. Rodowicz go on the reconnaissance to Japan.
March, Gardzienice
Young musicians, G”Gardzienice” trainees, form a band called Hojra which cooperates with the ensemble to carry out the Expedition to the Ukraine.
November – December, United Kingdom (Stratford)
- Staniewski conducts a two-week theatrical workshop for the actors of the Royal Shakespeare Company
September – October, Ireland, Wales, England
The International Workshop Festival in Derry: presentation of the Diptych; a theatrical workshop. An Expedition around Ireland. Presentations of CARMINA BURANA in Nottingham, Cardiff, Dartington as well as in the Royal Shakespeare Company in Stratford. The Diptych is also presented in London (St. Paul’s Church, Hammersmith).
August, Sweden (Gotland)
Sixteen participants in the “Gardzienice” work-sessions organise on their own a sailing Expedition to Gotland; together with the ensemble, they also take part in W. Staniewski’s open-air Event , Performances of Carmina… in Gotland, Stockholm, Umea and Sundsvall.
June, Cracow
At the European Month of Culture the ensemble presents the Diptych and a Gathering. Musicians from Ireland and the Huculsland (a region in the south-western part of the Ukraine, inhabited by the Hucul highlanders) take part.
April, Poznań
Two performances of the Diptych at the invitation of the Theatre of the Eighth Day.
March – July – August, Gardzienice
Regular presentations of the Diptych (THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM and CARMINA BURANA). Numerous work-sessions for the students of the Warsaw University Department of Polish Culture. The participants of the Course for Theatre Instructors are preparing their own Expedition to Gotland.
February, Warsaw
The ensemble participates in the 21th Warsaw Theatre Meetings and presents THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM and CARMINA BURANA.
December, United Kingdom (Stratford)
Włodzimierz Staniewski, accompanied by G. Bral, M. Gołaj, E. Podleśna, D. Porowska and A. Zubrzycka runs a six day work-session for the actors of the Royal Shakespeare Company.
October, Sweden (Stockholm)
The second Polish-Swedish symposium Theatre and Culture: the Provinces and the Centre. Lectures, seminars, demonstrations of the work methods.
September – October, the Ukraine
The first Expedition to the Ukraine. The ensemble is accompanied by actors and theatre directors from the United Kingdom, Italy and the Ukraine as well as the “Gardzienice” Seminar participants. Jacek Petrycki films For a New Natural Environment of Theatre.
September, Gardzienice
Another international symposium Theatrical Practices and Ecology involving the “Gardzienice” Seminar participants: workshops, concerts, demonstrations. Among those taking part are theatre practitioners and theoreticians as well as musicians from Ireland, Italy, Greece, the Soviet Union and Poland.
August – September
- Staniewski’s reconnaissance to Turkmenistan
July, Federal Republic of Germany (Munich)
The Festival Dialog mit Polen: presentation of CARMINA BURANA.
May – June, Cracow
The Life of Archpriest Avvakum and CARMINA BURANA are presented as part of the artistic events accompanying a symposium of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe.
May – September, Gardzienice
May, Federal Republic of Germany (Mulheim)
Participation in Theaterlandschaft Polen 3 Jahr — presentation of CARMINA BURANA.
April, Sweden (Gotland, Stockholm)
The first Expedition to Gotland. At The Polish Institute in Stockholm W. Staniewski demonstrates the actor’s work during the session organised by the Jordcircus Theatre.
April, Lublin, Gardzienice
A Polish-Swedish symposium Theatre and Culture: the Provinces and the Centre brings together critics, actors, directors and theatre animators. Lectures, practical sessions, presentations and concerts are organised.
February – April, Gardzienice
April, The Ukraine, Huculsland (a region in the south-western part of the Ukraine, inhabited by the Hucul highlanders)
A reconnaissance by H. Andruszko and M. Rychły preceding the Expedition to the Ukraine
Anna Zubrzycka goes on a reconnaissance to Australia and Mariusz Golaj to New Guinea.
December, Czechoslovakia (Prague)
Centre of the Polish Culture: W. Staniewski (accompanied by A. Zubrzycka and G. Bral) demonstrates the methods of the ensemble’s work.
November – December, Gardzienice
October, Gardzienice
An international seminar Theatrical Practices and Ecology brings together theoreticians and practitioners from the United Kingdom, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Soviet Union, Greece and Poland as well as those taking part in the “Gardzienice” Seminar of Theatrical Practices. Among the activities carried out are lectures, theatrical workshops, concerts as well as a Gathering for the inhabitants of the neighbouring villages. THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM and CARMINA BURANA and – for the first time in Poland – CARMINA BURANA are performed (with the changes in the composition of the choir which is led by E. Podlesna).
August – September, Italy
Presentation of HE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM in Faenza; participation in The International Festival of Theatre, Music and Dance in Bergamo: The Marathon with musical fragments from CARMINA BURANA; a theatrical workshop. On September 3 the first public concert based on the musical material for CARMINA BURANA takes place in a hermitage San Pietro Alle Stinche (cast: G. Bral, M. Golaj, A. Hodge, S. Krai, D. Porowska, T. Rodowicz, J. P. Thomas, H. Wahlgren, A. Zubrzycka).
Participation in the Feast of Transfiguration celebrations on Grabarka (an Orthodox cult place).
Summer, Gardzienice
Rehearsals of CARMINA BURANA in the mill.
May – June, Gardzienice
A work-session for the actors of the Alibi Theatre from London. Small Expeditions to several places are organised during the session. Catherine Corrigan and Emma Rice start cooperation with “Gardzienice” on a regular basis. First shots for Jacek Petrycki’s film about the activity of the ensemble.
April, Warsaw
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland awards “Gardzienice” a Diploma of Recognition for their outstanding contribution to the dissemination of the Polish culture abroad.
1 January
The Centre of Theatrical Practices “Gardzienice” changes its legal status and is transformed from an association into a national cultural institution.
14 December, Gardzienice
The Local Authority in Piaski decides to handle over to the ensemble for perpetual lease the ruined palace outhouse in the village of “Gardzienice”. Restoration of the preserved rooms and reconstruction of the destroyed part of the outhouse begins. The “Gardzienice” – Mill company composed of the ensemble members purchases an old mill, which – when restored – is going to serve its original purpose as well as host cultural activities.
October, Hungary (Budapest)
Participation in the 6th Festival of the Theatres of Movement — presentation of THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM.
Summer, Greece (Mount Athos, Athens)
- Staniewski’s reconnaissance to Mount Athos in search of musical material for CARMINA BURANA.
An Expedition to the Kurpie region (the Northern part of Mazovia), involving The Semester of Theatrical Practices participants.
April – May, United Kingdom
Participation in the International Theatre Conference Points of Contact: Performance, Nature, Culture in Dartington: a Gathering, a demonstration of the methods of the ensemble’s work, presentation of THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM. Druidstone Haven: a theatrical workshop initiating cooperation with the British theatre circles. Cardiff: presentation of The Marathon and Avvakum. Participation in the Fest Glasgow Mayfest: presentation of THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM, participation in the Brighton International Festival: The Marathon.
March, Gardzienice
A preliminary meeting organised for participants in The Semester of Theatrical Practices – a training programme addresses mainly to the students’ circles all over Poland. It includes theatrical practice and seminars as well as the organisation of expeditions and gatherings. Since then workshops for students, run by the most experienced “Gardzienice” actors (Mariusz Gołaj, Tomasz Rodowicz and later also others) under W. Staniewski’s leadership, have been held regularly a few times a year.
March, United Kingdom
A reconnaissance undertaken by Anna Zubrzycka and Tomasz Rodowicz.
March – April, Gardzienice
November, Warsaw
Participation in the 5th International Theatre Meetings: performance of THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM.
An Expedition to the Zamość region: a post-reconnaissance.
September – October, Gardzienice
August, South Korea (Seoul)
Participation in The Seoul Olympic Arts Festival: presentations of THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM. W. Staniewski undertakes a reconnaissance to get acquainted with the shaman Ku’t ritual.
June, United States (New York
Participation in The First New York International Festival of the Arts: eleven performances of THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM and Gatherings drawing on the musical motifs from CARMINA BURANA (in the chapels of St. John the Devine Cathedral).
April, Gardzienice
November, Belgium (Gent)
Performances of THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM during the festival The Poles Are Coming.
October, Mexico
- Staniewski’s reconnaissance, following Artaud’s route, to meet the Tarahumara Indians.
June, Lublin, Gardzienice
- Staniewski, assisted by J. Rodowicz, organises an international symposium The Nature of the Word in Theatre Cultures. It is focused on primordial techniques of singing, voice expression and musical structures of the speech (as the issues linked to the work on a performance based on CARMINA BURANA). Among those taking part in the symposium are theatre practitioners and theoreticians from Japan, Israel, the United States, the Federal Republic of Germany, Norway, Sweden, Lapland and Poland. Theatrical workshops and performances are held.
May, United Kingdom, Ireland
A research reconnaissance undertaken by W. Staniewski in connection with a new planned performance.
March – May, Gardzienice
A series of workshops for small groups of trainees. Presentations of THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM.
November, Federal Republic of Germany (Munster)
Presentation of The Marathon. A theatrical workshop for actors.
August – September, Switzerland (Basel, Binn)
Presentation of AN EVENING PERFORMANCE [revived], SORCERY and THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM at the culture festival in Basel. An Expedition – carried out together with many festival participants – to the mountain region of the Wallis canton, along the routes taken by Goethe and the romantics and ending with AN EVENING PERFORMANCE and an all-night-long Gathering.
June – July, United States (Baltimore, Md., Boston, Cambridge, Mass)
Participation in the Theatre of Nations Festival in Baltimore: presentation of the Gathering – THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM and The Marathon in St. Vincent a Paulo Church. Similar performances in Boston and Cambridge and a series of practical and theoretical seminars.
June, Canada (Toronto)
Theatrical workshops within the framework of The International Theatre Training Congress. Presentation of THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM and The Marathon cycle: SORCERY — Gathering – THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM, the methods of artistic work and documentation during The World Stage Festival.
May – June, United States (Boston, Cambridge, Mass)
Theatrical training and workshops for the academic and theatre circles.
Autumn, Gardzienice
The work on the creation of all-night-long theatrical activities (all performances and results of the studies of Teatro della Terra).
October, Sweden (Lund)
A seminar for students of a theatre school.
September, Denmark (Arhus)
Performances of SORCERY, The THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM, a Gathering and a demonstration of the actor techniques.
September, Norway (Bergen, Svelvik)
Gatherings with references to the nature of SORCERY. During The International Theatre Festival, M. Golaj and T. Rodowicz run a seminar for students of a theatre school in Bergen.
August, Sweden (Stockholm)
Participation in Scensommar Internationell Groppteaterfestival: performances of SORCERY and THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM combined with Gatherings and demonstrations of work methods.
July – August, Norway, Finland
The second Expedition to Lapland (in cooperation with the Norwegian Theatre Beliashe). Open-air Gatherings. The ensemble is accompanied, among others, by W. Pawluczuk.
Summer, The United States
- Staniewski and T. Rodowicz go on a trip to visit several Indian tribes (Zuni, Hopi, Havasupai).
Spring, Gardzienice
Workshops with pupils from secondary schools and students.
March – April, Federal Republic of Germany (Muenster, Stuttgart)
- Staniewski runs a theatrical training in Theather Pumpenhaus in Muenster. The training results in a performance establishing a new theatre group. Presentations of SORCERY and THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM in Stuttgart (Artaud’s Week).
January – February, Switzerland (Basel, Zurich)
Participation in the theatre review Religion – Ritual – Toleranz: performances of SORCERY and THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM.
Autumn, Gardzienice
During Gatherings organised all over the village, the ensemble presents the Marathon: all performances combined with a demonstration of elements of training and the documentation related to the Expeditions.
An Expedition to Grabarka – an Orthodox cult place
June – August
Three Expeditions to the Nowy Sącz region (Orthodox villages) aimed at the «naturalisation» of THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM in the Orthodox environment.
June, Netherlands (Amsterdam)
Participation in the Holland Festival: presentations of both Sorcery and THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM in Nieuwe Kerk.
May, Italy (Bologne)
Włodzimierz Staniewski takes part in the conference Teatro Polacca: Identita di una Cultura.
November, Gardzienice
The Polish premiere of THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM in the post-Arian chapel. The cast includes four foreign actors: Ulrich Hardt, Franz Hodl, Wolfgang Niklaus, Susanna Philhoffer
September, France (Le Bridon, La Begude-de-Marenc)
Theatrical workshops.
19 August
The premiere of THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM, scripted and directed by W. Staniewski, in a mountain chapel Chiesa di San Antonio al Fonte del Cerro near Trivento (Molise region).
First cast: H. Andruszko, M. Gołaj, J. Rodowicz, T. Rodowicz, J. Tabaka, A. Zubrzycka.
August, Italy (Trivento)
An Expedition to the mountains along the mules’ paths which have not been walked on since the previous century (another stage of Teatro della Terra programme).
January – July
Five Expeditions to fifteen Orthodox villages (the region around Nowy Sącz – Lemkowszczyzna, an area inhabited by the Lemks community; Suwałki, Biała Podlaska) during which Gatherings are held and presentations of AN EVENING PERFORMANCE, SORCERY as well as fragments of the new performance in preparation take place. Foreign participants (Theatre Beliashe from Norway and Milkway Theatre from West Berlin among others) also present the results of their work. About seventy trainees from Poland and other countries participate.
Spring, Gardzienice
Weekly performances of SORCERY; Gatherings.
September – October, Italy (Sorano, Genoa)
An Expedition to the Ligurian region: presentations of SORCERY, theatrical workshops
September, Lapland
An Expedition lasting several weeks (the concept of theatrum mundi with its idea to practise theatre towards nature). Numerous Gatherings, SORCERY presentations. The participants get acquainted with joik (a unique way of creating songs). The work on THE LIFE oF ARCHIPREST AVVAKUM continues.
August, Sweden (Stockholm, Goeteborg)
Participation in two festivals Scensommar Internationell Gruppteater- festival: six presentations of SORCERY in Stockholm and three – in Goeteborg; a theatrical workshop.
July, Italy (Settimo Torinese)
Presentation of SORCERY during the Viva Piazza Festival.
Jtly, Federal Republic of Germany (Erlangen)
The 22nd Theatre Meetings Gesichter Europas: performances of SORCERY and a theatrical workshop.
As a result of the imposition of martial law in Poland (December 13,1981), the activity of The “Gardzienice” Association is suspended. Only closed re-hearsals may be held. The work on the new performance is carried on, including studies of the Orthodox music, songs and liturgy. The study of icons generates a specific training.
October – November
Weekly performances of SORCERY.
September – October
During four Expeditions [to the regions around Jelenia Góra – the so- called Yugoslavian villages, Olsztyn, Białystok, Nowy Sącz — Łemkowszczyzna, an area inhabited by the Łemks community] the Gatherings are held and presentations of SORCERY and AN EVENING PERFORMANCE take place. The participants also search for material to be used in a new performance based on The Life written by Russian religious movement leader Avvakum Petrovich (1620-1682).
July, Federal Republic of Germany (Brueckendorf)
- Staniewski and his ensemble run theatrical workshops for German, Swiss, Austrian and Italian actors. Some of them (U. Hardt, F. Hoedl, among others) begin to cooperate with “Gardzienice” on a regular basis.
May – July, Italy
At the session The Music, the Performance, the Possession in Villa le Barone, Staniewski delivers a lecture on the need to search for the natural environment of theatre. While carrying out its Expedition in June, the ensemble presents Sorcery in Panzano, Pontadera, Turin, Pieve, Santarcangelo (at the 11th Teatro in Piazza) and many places in Tuscany. During the Expedition, Gatherings are held and fragments of AN EVENMING PERFORMANCE are presented.
May, Gardzienice
The Polish premiere of Sorcery directed by W. Staniewski (First cast: H. Andruszko, J. Bernad, later replaced by T. Rodowicz, K. Czyżewski, M. Gołaj, J. Rodowicz, J. Tabaka, W. Wróbel, A. Zubrzycka).
An Expedition to the Białystok region. Preparation of SORCERY based on Adam Mickiewicz’s Dziady (Forefathers’ Eve) and folk songs.
May – December
Twelve Expeditions (to the Zamość, Tarnobrzeg, Łomża and Białystok regions) are organised. AN EVENING PERFORMANCE is presented, Gatherings are held and the work on a new performance is carried out.
May, Lublin
During the 2nd International Theatre Meetings W. Staniewski, assisted by T. Rodowicz, organises (in collaboration with the International Theatre Institute) a scientific session Theatre and Folk Traditions. Among those taking part are academicians and artists from the United States, Japan, Turkey, Canada, France, Italy, Spain, Denmark and Poland. The session is supplemented with workshops, demonstrations and an Expedition to the Zamość region.
December, France (Nancy, Lorraine)
Participation in Festival Mondial du Theatre ‘79 and the presentation of AN EVENING PERFORMANCE. An Expedition to the Lorraine region is organized. The ensemble is accompanied among ohers by a four-person Gvpsy band (Mirga family) from the Polish village of Szaflary.
July, Italy (Santarcangelo)
The ensemble participates in the 9th Festival Teatro in Piazza. An Expedition to the Apennines [Emilia Romagna region] is undertaken, Gatherings are held and AN EVENING PERFORMANCE is presented [cast: H. Andruszko, J. Bernard, P. Borowski, M. Gołaj, E.Majewska, J. Rodowicz, T. Rodowicz, J. Tabaka, W. Wróbel, A. Zubrzycka]. Among those taking part in the Expedition are the festival participants, Polish academicians and inhabitants from Polish villages.
June, Bulgaria (Sofia)
At the Congress of the International Theatre Institute Włodzimierz Staniewski outlines his programme in the paper For a new natural environment of theatre.
February – October
Six Expeditions [the regions around Zamość, Chełm, Białystok, Jelenia Góra, Tarnobrzeg, Nowy Sącz – Gypsy villages] are carried out.
January – November
Nine Expeditions, lasting few days each, are carried out to the Eastern parts of Poland [the regions around Lublin, Chełm, Zamość, Tarnobrzeg, Nowy Sącz – so called Gypsy villages, Biała Podlaska]. The participants include the ensemble members, theatre experts Zbigniew Osiński and Leszek Kolankiewicz, sociologist Włodzimierz Pawluczuk and other accompanying persons.
18 January, Lublin
At the motion of Włodzimierz Staniewski and 30 other founding members the “Gardzienice” Theatre Association is formally registered by the Lublin Province Office. Staniewski names the ensemble The “Gardzienice” Centre of Theatrical Practices. It is seated in the village with the same name. For its theatrical activities, the ensemble rents a devastated post Arian chapel in the former palace in Gardzienice. The office is located in Lublin.
November, Zamość
The second “Gardzienice” Expedition.
The first Expedition (to the Zamość region) is undertaken as a step in the implementation of The Rural Programme designed by W. Staniewski. He proposes organizing monthly hike Expeditions to the villages in Eastern Poland. The Expeditions are intended to revive the natural environment of the theatre. Starting with the first one, the ensemble [initially composed of T. Rodowicz, W. Staniewski, J. Tabaka, W. Wróbel] presents AN EVENING PERFORMANCE based on François Rabelais’ themes and the lyrics of folk songs. AN EVENING PERFORMANCE had been presented about 150 times in Poland.
14 August, Gardzienice
- Staniewski and his informal group [Jan Tabaka, Wanda Wróbel, Tomasz Rodowicz, Waldemar Sidor, Jan Bernad, Henryk Andruszko among others] run a theatrical workshop. He presents the results of his work to the local community.
Włodzimierz Staniewski begins to cooperate with the Lublin. Włodzimerz Staniewski begins to theatre circles and with several people from the students’ movement in other cities. The opening motifs for his theatrical workshops draw on the themese from Rabelais’ Gargantua and Pantagruel, folk songs from the Eastern regions of Poland and movement etudes. Staniewski works out an outline of his comprehensive artistic and research programme.