Element of gallery


Every company that wants to exist and co-create its reality together enters in a time of the hardest choices. This trial period can be compared to researching unknown disciplines and spaces, in which one wants to be with a whole group.
Distress of the companionship is our present score, that we would like to share with the audience. The newest performance can be called a sketch about the choices, that we face, or illusions, that we can make such. As an inspiration we treat events in Poland before 1989. We do not regard them as a gathering of popculture tools, nor we view them as imagined creational myth of contemporary Poland and Europe. We share our reflection looking through our fathers’ and mothers’ experiences.
Understanding the decision, for which sooner or later we need to pay a high price, is a wisdom, which is not reached. Often in a painful and tragic way. We can only believe, that the bonds, of which understanding is not possible, will eventually turn out to be a bind for life.

Director: Marek Kościółek
Performers: Anna Giniewska, Marcin Pławski, Mateusz Zadala oraz Marek Kościółek

Friday, October 4th at 17:30