It is with great regret and sadness that we have learnt of the passing of Philip Arnoult.
Philip Arnoult had undeniably embraced our “Gardzienice” theatre with his heart and authority, helping to extend its heritage in the USA, and sharing our work in an engaged dialogue over four decades.
In this regard, he received the honorary badge “Meritorious for Polish Culture” in 2017 from the Polish Minister of Culture and National Heritage, awarded at our Gardzienice Theatre for his contribution to the popularization of Polish theatre, noting that it was he who showed the Gardzienice Theatre in America for the first time at The Theatre of Nations Festival in Baltimore, of which he was the director.
Most recently, we have collaborated on projects in support of artists in war-torn Ukraine, into which Philip has put a lot of heart.
A great Friend and Humanist in Practice.
We express our heartfelt condolences to the family.
Włodzimierz Staniewski and “Gardzienice” Centre for Theatre Practices
Philip Arnoult. Photo by Zoltán Szarka.