Based on Werner Herzog’s screenplay “The Glass Heart”, the play explores themes of madness, the struggle to stay alive in the world. “Glass Heart” explores the themes of madness, struggle to maintain power and life in the world just before the catastrophe, extremely important both for the work of the great filmmaker, as well as for us, rotating in contemporary times.
The performance, prepared throughout August ‘2015 in the space of Gardzienice’s Granary by a group of the most interesting actors of the youngest generation under the direction of Radek Stępień (a student of the Directing Department of the State Higher School of Theatre in Kraków, an associate of “Gardzienice” CTP) combines various styles of dramatic acting. The actors are also co-authors of the adaptation, stage design, costumes and musical arrangement. Work within the framework of “Generator of Hope” is therefore an activity on the borderline between collective creation and traditionally understood building of a theatrical work.